Imperial Steel Winnipeg

Imperial Steel is now on Facebook! Like our page and get tube news.

At Imperial Steel, we value our customers and want to communicate with them, no matter where they are. In the past while, we’ve been growing our online properties in order to do just that.


And now, it is with great excitement that we announce the launch of our Facebook page! We think we have the best tube news in the business, and we want you to be a part of our ‘fandom’. Through our Facebook page, we will share blogs, our newest videos, industry stories, community events, and the many unique, value added products that we create for our customers.

To follow us on Facebook, simply click here; then click the “Like” button on the page. If you feel like being a real social butterfly, please share our page with your friends using the “Share” button.

And finally, if you still can’t get enough Imperial Steel news, our website has a page where you can “Stay Connected“.

Contact us anytime, we want to hear from you!

Imperial Steel Winnipeg

Welcome to the New Imperial Steel Website!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website and we’d like to welcome you here. We’ve been hard at work for the past few months coming up with just the right site design and information to represent who we are as a company and where we want to go in the future.

Our new site will not only showcase our craftsmanship and pride in our work, but will also be a way for us to reach out to you – our valued customers. We will be updating the site with news, announcements and special offers that are available – so be sure to check back often.

Feel free to look around the site and get to know us – we welcome any feedback that you may have. This site is as much for you as it is for us and we are always looking for ways to improve and better serve you.